During their studies, students become gradually more independent. However, when studying abroad, this process happens to be faster than in their own country. There are several factors which influence the process of becoming more independent. Such are university, organization, food preparation, bureaucracy, accommodation and travel. The faster you become independent, the better you will feel dealing with the new encountered situation abroad. Here are some tips which can help you on your way to become more independent.
Learn the local language
First of all, to feel more comfortable you should set on top of your list of priorities, learning the foreign language. This way, you will become more independent while attending the lessons at the university and studying for the exam afterwards. The initial difficulty might seem like an extraordinary barrier, but it is not. Slowly and gradually, if you study each day regularly, you will soon notice how much you improve daily. Maybe not at the first insight, but if you compare your language knowledge from the beginning with a couple of months later, there will be a remarkable difference. Some tips on how to learn the local language are to engage as often as possible in conversation with locals, study and translate words from university books or simple newspapers, novels and so on.
Get a part-time job
Another way to become more independent is to get a part-time job, which will enable you to get more independent financially too. Not only will you learn how to work and to be organized, but you will also feel more independent by gaining more working experience, apart from the university, which might come just as useful in later professional life. The nicest feeling of all is that you will be regularly paid and you can save some money apart, or maybe buy something you like, and to know that this is the money that you have earned and you have the right to do whatever you like with it.
Learn how to cook for yourself
Maybe the best way of all to become more independent is to learn how to cook for yourself. If you are living abroad, you will be forced to learn it, unless you wish to eat junk food nearly every day or spend a lot of money at restaurants or by buying ready meals. You will soon realize that it isn’t working. So, the sooner you learn to cook, the better it will be for you, your health and your pocket! There is no greater thing in the world than knowing to cook some delicious and healthy meals just for yourself, and maybe for your flatmates as well, who will then compliment themselves with you. Knowing to cook and knowing what ingredients you put and what you actually eat, will give you the greatest sensation of freedom and independence. That way you can prepare some food from your own country and you won’t miss it so much.
Travel alone
Another way of becoming more independent is to travel alone. It might sound difficult and stressful, but it is surely worth a try. Once you realize that you can travel alone and go on trips alone, you will realize that the whole world is yours. You should do this experience at least once in your lifetime. If you don’t try it, you will never know if you might actually like it. By travelling alone, you will have to organize everything beforehand and afterwards. Therefore, a great sense of responsibility lays on you and you only can rely on yourself. What better way of becoming independent?
Use the bike instead of public transportation
May it sound surprising, but instead of using public transportation you could ride a bicycle. That way you will become independent from the timetables of bus, tram or metro. Just hop on your bike and go, wherever you want and whenever you want. Except when it is cold and raining, unless you want to buy a raincoat and wear some warmer clothes. By riding the bike, you will memorize the names of streets faster and develop a better sense of direction at the same time, which surely is a great plus if you want to become more independent.
Try all these tips and you will see how your life is going to change in a more positive way. Not only will you feel more independent and sure, but also be more satisfied and reliable on yourself. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because only by making mistakes, there can be a learning process, and only by learning, there can be a progress in becoming more independent.