5 Tips for Surviving the First Week of University

5 Tips for Surviving the First Week of University

The first week at the university can be chaotic and nerve-wracking for everyone! You have no idea what to expect, you don't know anyone and you are far from your loved ones. Probably the hardest part is getting adjusted to a new culture and new rules. But, luckily, there are some helpful tips out there that can help you survive that first week of university.

Don’t Be Alone

Staying in your room when you are alone in a new city is a bad idea. Make an effort to meet new people, no matter how shy you are. It takes quite a bit of courage of course, but try to get out of your comfort zone. Try joining a library club or try to make conversation with people in your classes. Volunteering can also increase your chances of meeting new people who share similar interests.


Remember this: you are not alone (the majority of students are in the same position as you are) and there is no room for panic. Stay calm and enjoy every moment of your stay at the university because those 4 years are supposed to be the best years of your life.

Explore the Campus

Get familiar with your campus because you will need some time to adjust to a new setting. Check out what your campus has to offer and set aside some time every day to explore the surroundings. During the first week of the university make sure to find where are the classrooms, dining halls and gyms.

Don't Miss the Introductory Lectures

Make sure you don't miss your introductory lectures because professors will probably go through the syllabus for the rest of the semester. Your professors will probably summarize the key points such as exam schedules, grading, detailed course requirements, course goals and activities. In general, you will get some idea of what is expected from you as a student.

Get a Planner

If you don't want to fall behind, buy a planner and take notes to stay organized. The best way to keep track of everything that happens during the first week is to write everything down. Having a planner allows you to improve your time management and visualize your goals.

Last but not least, good luck! Make the most of your student life.

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